Five for Sunday!

This has been a buuuuusssyyy weekend, which is why I am a wee bit late for my Five for Friday!

Here is my week in snapshots:

Last Saturday, I met up with a bunch of New England bloggers for some good food and even better conversation! I love meeting other bloggers and these sweet ladies are so close!
From left to right, starting in the back:
Katie - blog "stalker" :)

 Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, we have an hour long block set aside for centers! I love this because I can group my students accordingly and get to work on those skills they desperately need for a whole, mostly uninterrupted 60 minutes. This week was all about phonics development in my centers.
Roll, Spell, and Cover! Students at this center had to draw upon previously taught spelling patterns and phonemic sounds to spell different short vowel words. I also have this game using long vowel words and digraphs. This game is in my First Grade Common Core Language - Part 2 unit!
Cover up! This center group was working on those tricky digraphs! This unit is SO old and is in the process of a pretty new makeover, but the games work all the same! This center is from my Showstopping Digraphs pack!

100th day! Our 100th day of school came and went this past Thursday. We had loads of fun, but my students' favorite part of the day was creating their 100th day snack mix!
Each student gets 10 small dixie cups and a variety of snacks! They have to put 10 pieces of the same snack in each cup. Once everyone has filled up their 10 cups, we all count by tens together as we pour the cups into their freezer bag. Throughout the day, I tell my students when they can eat 10 pieces of their snack mix and we subtract that 10 from 100 to determine how many more snacks we have in our bags. A little math, the fun way!
Of course, no 100th day would be complete without the infamous "When I'm 100 years old...." writing prompt. They always crack me up! This little one above was all about using those labels we learned about last week. #proudteacher

Wedding! The entire Moran-clan headed out to a wedding yesterday and it was a blast! The husband decided to try out a goatee for the first time ever..... (see below).... still debating how the wifey feels about it....
Siblings! I'm the oldest of this crew and I just love them to pieces!

Last, but not least, it is Super Bowl Sunday all the Blog Hoppin' ladies are throwing a SALE!

For today only, my entire store will be 20% off!

PS - even though my precious Patriots aren't in the game..... I am still going to watch and root for the Seahawks!!

1 comment

  1. So jealous about your blogger meet up! Wish I lived closer :( Glad you guys had fun. Love your cover up games.
    Curious Firsties


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