Goodbye 2013: My Year in Pictures!

I have spent the last month as unplugged as I could be and let me tell you... it has been WONDERFUL! I spent loads of time of family and friends and just enjoying these last few moments of 2013.

This year was a big one for me!

In March, we sent out our Save the Dates:

In May, Parker and I decided to move back home to Massachusetts to start our life closer to family. That meant saying goodbye to a lot of good friends and my first teaching job in Las Vegas.
Good-bye Las Vegas!

We planned THIS elaborate scheme to tell my family we were coming home!

In June, we traveled across the country on a road trip back home to Massachusetts! We visited Utah, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, and Washington DC, before finally landing back home in Mass!
Once we landed in Mass, Parker scored big with a job in New Hampshire and we moved a little farther north into a beautiful new apartment. Shortly after, I got a 1st grade teaching job in Massachusetts and there was reason for more celebration!

Oh yah.... and then in September, Parker and I GOT MARRIED!!!!! And went on an amazing honeymoon!!! By far the best part of 2013 :)

Now, the year is ending... Our good friends are having a baby boy, we bought our first Christmas tree, and we traveled to Denver for Christmas with Parker's family!

SO many amazing things happened in 2013 - I cannot wait to see what 2014 has in store for us :)

I will be back soon (promise) with some things I've been working on... in the meantime, to celebrate the new year, some Blog Hoppers are throwing a 20% off sale all day today and tomorrow!

Click the image above to visit my store :)


Show us what you bought!

Happppppppppppppy December!

I don't know what it is, but I am just feelin' happy... giddy even... and I swear I haven't had one sip of wine all night!

Maybe it has to do with the fact that I have a REAL Christmas tree in my apartment and that it is freezing outside and that I get to travel to Denver for Christmas to be with Parker's family AND that when I get home from vacation I get to host my family's secret Santa at our apartment....

I am just grinning ear-to-ear!

Anyways.... I am here to share with you some of the goodies I bought during day one of the Cyber Monday TPT sale! You better believe I already left my feedback and I am ready to shop a bit more tomorrow :)

Here's a looksie:

Abby's new Christmas unit:
I love everything this lady makes and this adorable pack is NO different! It is so darn cute.

Lindsey's Story Problem Pack:
I wanted to buy this last year from The Teacher Wife, but I ran out of time before the holidays were over. This year, I was not going to make that mistake!

Anna's New Graphing Pack
I downloaded the preview on this and I HAD to have it. I won't start going deep into graphing until after the holiday break, but I wanted to take advantage of the sale and grab it now!

The following are a few things I already had, but they are a necessity this holiday season so I wanted to share in case you still need something for the next few weeks!

Kelley's Adjective Gingerbreads:
I missed the boat on her adjective pumpkins this year, so I am THRILLED she has another seasonal adjective craft! A hilarious one at that.

Katie's Polar Express pack:
My new school has an entire polar express day.... I repeat... AN ENTIRE POLAR EXPRESS DAY! I am so excited to celebrate this day with my students and I am so thankful I have Katie's pack to save my you-know-what!

Stephanie's Christmas Around the World:
We actually started this pack this morning! My kids are so excited to learn about Christmas all over the world and so am I! I used this pack last year and it was a big hit - I imagine this year will be the same!

So there you have it! If you bought something you'd like to share with the world - let us know! Link up with Blog Hoppin by clicking the button below :)

And remember - the sale continues tomorrow!!


CYBER MONDAY & TUESDAY & A Super Quick Giveaway!!

So much shopping... so little time...

This Thanksgiving weekend has been amazing so far! Parks and I found our first ever Christmas tree and we are currently trying to decorate it with ornaments and garland and lights and all this other stuff we have never owned before! I can only imagine that it will be a beautiful baby tree soon.

In the meantime, I am here to remind everyone that there is a BIG sale coming up on Monday and Tuesday! Big, big, BIG! The cyber Monday/Tuesday sale is here and ALL my products will be 20% off for the full two days. TPT also has a special promo code (CYBER) to enter during checkout and you can receive an extra 10% off!
Thank you, Amy, for the button!

I recently uploaded three new products to my store that will also be on sale:

I finally finished part 2 of my 1st grade language pack!

Since I completed Part 2, I was able to bundle it with Part 1 for a discounted price:

I also JUST uploaded my newest subtraction unit that my kids are loving right now:

So there you have it! Get shopping!

And since there are only a few more weeks til Christmas... one of my best blogging friends, Katie, decided it was time for a giveaway! I hopped on board. Here is what you can win:

All you have to do to win:

Good luck & remember this giveaway is SUPER quick! So don't miss out :)
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